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This page contains trivia for "Ass Burgers". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • Continuing the story of "You're Getting Old", this episode helped the show "return to its roots", getting away from previous and far-fetched storylines and returning to a more grounded format, according to critics.
  • The phrase "ass burgers" is a well-known play on the name of the disorder, Asperger syndrome.
  • Stan's new room at his mother's place has a view of Whistlin' Willy's, a pizza restaurant frequented by the children.
  • This episode satirizes the idea that immunizations can cause Asperger syndrome, something that Trey Parker and Matt Stone's fellow BASEketball co-star Jenny McCarthy has passionately pursued and even written a book about.
  • Theresa is called "Molly" in this episode. Previously, a girl with the name "Theresa" was discussed in "The List" though it is unknown if that instance refers to her or not.
  • Craig Tucker does not appear in Mr. Garrison's classroom in this episode.
  • Wendy complaining to Mr. Garrison about the girls being forced to get the HPV vaccine is a reference to the controversy surrounding the vaccine, which protects against cervical cancer and genital warts. Some have argued that the vaccine may encourage sexual promiscuity, as HPV is sexually transmitted and many schools have made it mandatory for girls as young as 11 years to get the injection. Others have claimed that it has serious side effects including death. [1][2][3] However, the scientific evidence is clear - the vaccine saves lives and doctors overwhelmingly recommend it.[4]
    • As of 2021, 13 states plus the District of Colombia and Puerto Rico have made it mandatory for children attending public school to receive the vaccine[5].
  • When Kyle and Wendy are talking about Stan's anti-social behavior, two creepy boys comment that they should "just screw and get it over with". The conversation was parodying "Fanon", which tends to dive deeper into characters' relationships.
  • Obama is shown replacing Duck President at the end. Duck President may be a pun on the term "lame-duck politician."
  • This episode once again showcases Cartman's incredible prowess with both business and construction; he builds a hamburger stand, successfully hides his secret flavor enhancer (his ass), and is aware that competition will stop at nothing to get it.
  • During the restaurant executives meeting, several chemical compounds are shown as being infused into Cartman Burger in a gaseous form. Each compound presumably corresponds to one fast-food restaurant chain. Most are compounds found in nature and food; from the top down, they are:

References to Popular Culture[]

  • In the meeting where the fast-food chain representatives discuss losing sales to Cartman Burger, the men represent real-life chains such as Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Subway and KFC. Although City Wok is represented on the chart, Tuong Lu Kim does not appear in the meeting.
  • The crew at the Secret Society of Cynics bear a strong resemblance to characters from The Matrix trilogy:
  • The morning radio show is a parody of real-life FM radio comedy DJs popular in many parts of the USA such as "Mike and the Mad Dog" or "Opie and Anthony".
  • The advertisement for an unnamed show that Shelly is watching near the start of the episode bills itself as a combination of the television series Lost and the film franchise Jurassic Park.
  • "Landslide" was written by Stevie Nicks while living in Colorado.
  • The song Cartman is singing while making hamburgers is "Heartlight" by Neil Diamond.
  • The final Morning Radio Show mentions Two and a Half Men. Ashton Kutcher had recently taken the lead role in the show.
  • One of Randy Marsh's albums under his Tween Wave music persona of "Steamy Ray Vaughan" called Slippery When Steamy is a reference to the band Bon Jovi's album called Slippery When Wet.


  • This is the first appearance of Ms. Bronski, the new school nurse. Nurse Gollum's last appearance was "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow" where she is briefly seen running away screaming.
  • At the end of the episode, Stan is seen using alcohol to see the world as he did before. In the episode "My Future Self n' Me", Stan's fake future version of himself comes to visit as a drug addict and alcoholic to discourage him from going down that road.
  • The alcoholic drink Stan is given to help him see the world as it was is Jameson Irish Whiskey which was founded in 1780, marking the first real-life alcoholic beverage shown in South Park.
  • This is the second episode to contain the word "ass" in the title, the first being "Asspen".
  • This is not the first time Cartman has tried to fake an illness. He faked Tourette syndrome and being crippled in the episodes "Le Petit Tourette" and "Up the Down Steroid", respectively. However, unlike the other times, this is the first time he has failed to convince anyone he has the illness.
  • Stan and Wendy reconcile their relationship for the second time. The first was in "The List", though unlike that instance, they did not officially break up in this episode or the previous one.


Green craig

The green Craig seen in the background at "Cartman Burger"

  • There is a green version of Craig (without the poof ball on his hat) in the background when Cartman sells his burgers. In another shot, both this green look-alike of Craig and the normal Craig are visible in the same shot, meaning this is probably just the animation team re-using character models.
  • When Stan first talks to Kyle when he is drunk, Kyle's left eyebrow is going in his visor. His visor covers part of his eyebrow, but the top is still black.
  • When Stan is drunk in the movie theater, Jack and Jill are playing. This film was not released until November 11, 2011 (the episode aired on October 5, 2011).
  • In the end, when Stan sees Kyle yelling at Cartman about his burgers, Kyle says that Cartman has been sticking them in his ass. This is inaccurate, as Cartman was actually keeping them in his pants and farting on them, not sticking them up his ass. By no means, however, does this mitigate the repulsiveness of the act.

Dubbing Changes[]

International Titles[]

Language Title Translation
Czech Assburgery Ass Burgers
French Chiasse Burger Diarrhoea Burger
German Arschburger Ass Burgers
Hungarian Farburger Ass Burgers
Italian La sindrome di Hamburger Hamburger Syndrome
Japanese ケツバーガー
Ass Burgers
Polish Hamburgery z dupska Ass Burgers
Ukrainian Задбургери
Ass Burgers


  • There are several dubs in which upon hearing about the Asperger Syndrome for the first time, Cartman's interpretation of "Asperger" as "Ass burger" is more apparent than the English version.
    • French and Ukrainian: Cartman asks if "it is named 'Ass burger'". However, Kyle still replies with "yes."
    • Hungarian: Kyle explicitly names it "Ass burger" (Farburger).
    • Japanese: Cartman asks if "Asperger (アスペルガー, asuperugā) means Ass burger (ケツバーガー, ketsubāgā)". However, Kyle still replies with "that's right."


  • In Adam Sandler's film, Jill thinks that Al Pacino wants to play soccer instead of Twister.


  • In Adam Sandler's film, Jill thinks that Al Pacino wants to have sex with Sandler's sister, using the slang andare in camporella.


  • The term "Debbie Downer" by Mr. Mackey is replaced with "陰キャ" (Inkya), a slang term for a "gloomy person".
  • When Stan wakes up from the smell of the enchirito, he only identifies it as a food item from Taco Bell.


  • At Cartman Burger, Kyle brings in five mediums and ten "blood" burgers.


  1508: "Ass Burgers" edit
Story Elements

Asperger SyndromeCartman BurgerAsperger's Research CenterSecret Society of CynicsDuck President • "Turn on Your Heartlight" • "Landslide"


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