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A Nightmare on Face Time "A Nightmare on Face Time/Trivia" "A Scause For Applause/Trivia" "Obama Wins!/Trivia" Obama Wins!

This page contains trivia for "A Scause For Applause". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • Reference is made to putting an asterisk next to Jesus' name - an asterisk (*) is used in record books to indicate a footnote, generally explaining that a result is somehow tainted.

References to Popular Culture

  • This episode references the Lance Armstrong doping allegations, using Jesus Christ as the central figure instead.
    • Armstrong’s cancer research foundation is referenced, along with the Livestrong wristband.
    • Jesus and Stan argue that the real issue is the farmers in Belarus, alluding to defenders of Armstrong who point out that despite his use of steroids he did raise a lot of funds for cancer research.
    • Stan says that a lie will grow in Craig's balls until it has to be cut out; this is a reference to Armstrong having a testicle amputated due to cancer.
  • Kyle says Stan needs to "Bill Clinton this", a reference to Clinton eventually coming clean over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
  • Stan's "Make a STANd" commercials are a likely reference to the series of "Find Your Greatness" Nike commercials, mainly because of the many different examples used and ease of getting a commercial.[1][2]
  • Stan appears on the The Charlie Rose Show.
  • The Scause factory sequence parodies the art and rhyming style of Dr. Seuss, specifically the book The Sneetches, though the scause factory is likely a reference to The Lorax.
  • The wife of the French-Swedish official reads a book entitled "30 Teintes de Pourpre", translating to "30 Shades of Purple" which references Fifty Shades of Grey.
    • The French-Swedish official changes the TV channel to a weather report discussing Hurricane Sandy.
  • Jesus shows support for imprisoned Russian punk-rock collective P**** Riot by wearing a T-shirt saying "Free P**** Riot". The sarcasm is that P**** Riot have been imprisoned after their concert in the Temple of Christ the Savior, accused of "offending the feelings of Christian believers".
  • Mr. Garrison teaches the class about Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, particularly referring to Jeff Conaway and Shifty Shellshock.
  • When Jesus takes HGH, "Gonna Fly Now" from Rocky plays.
  • The lead French scientist is based on the character Mr. Tudball from "The Carol Burnett Show". The lead French scientist makes reference to this when he says to his wife "It's starting to feel like The Carol Burnett Show in here."



  • In the commercial, it says "STANground", but on all the posters in Stan's room, it is spelled "STANdground".

Dubbing Changes

International Titles

Language Title Translation
Czech Pro věci For a cause
French Un bracelet pour une cause A Scause For Applause
German Ein toller Applaus A great round of applause
Hungarian Kügy ürügy
Italian Un braccialetto per una causa A Scause For Applause
Japanese 大義名分リストバンド
(Taigimeibun risuto bando)
Just Cause wrist band
Polish Postanowienie godne pochwały A decision worthy of praise
Portuguese (Brazil) Uma desculpa para aplaudir A Scause For Applause
Spanish (Latin America) Una Scausa que aplaudir A Scause For Applause
Spanish (Spain)
Ukrainian Ідея за ідею
(Ideya za ideyu)
Idea after idea


  1613: "A Scause For Applause" edit
Story Elements

P.F. Pityef Bracelet FactoryWalgreensThe Charlie Rose ShowJesus ChristBelarusian FarmersHuman Growth Hormone • "Gonna Fly Now" • STANground


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South Park: The Complete Sixteenth Season
