7-11 is a real chain store that appears in the Season Sixteen episodes, "Faith Hilling" and "A Scause For Applause". A near identical store 'Kum & Go' appears in "A Nightmare on Face Time".
In "Faith Hilling", the boys are informed by Craig Tucker that their meme stunt at the Colorado Republican Debate appeared in the local newspaper. The boys visit 7-11 and find they are on the front page of the Denver Post. They discover that Newt Gingrich had ridiculed them by calling the act passé.
In "A Scause For Applause", Stan Marsh is recognized for standing his ground by refusing to get his 'What Would Jesus Do' bracelet cut off.
- "Faith Hilling" - The boys find their faith hilling stunt on the news.
- "A Scause For Applause" - Stan is recognized for standing his ground.
- A similar store with the same sales clerk known as Day Time 24 Night Time appears in "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson", where Randy Marsh was refused service.