"Tsst/台本" | "Make Love, Not Warcraft/台本" | "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce/台本" |
画像/名前 | ||
911オペレーター |
アイク・ブロフロフスキー |
エリック・カートマン |
カイル・ブロフロフスキー |
クライド・ドノヴァン |
クレイグ・タッカー |
ケニー・マコーミック |
シャロン・マーシュ |
ジェイソン・ホワイト |
ジミー・ヴァルマー |
スタン・マーシュ |
ティミー・バーチ |
トゥイーク・トゥイーク |
トールキン・ブラック |
バターズ・ストッチ |
ピーター・ネルソン |
ベン |
ランディ・マーシュ |
リアン・カートマン |
- World of Warcraftの問い合わせ係とその上司:World of Warcraft Support Line Representative and her boss
- ブリザード・エンターテイメントの代表および取締役員のジムとトーマス:Blizzard Gaming Entertainment President and his board members, including Jim and Thomas
- ベスト・バイの店員:Best Buy Greeter
- World of Warcraftのキャラクターたち:World of Warcraft characters
Make Love, Not Warcraft | |
オンラインゲームWorld of Warcraftの画面が設定舞台として登場する。工芸製作所が周囲に並ぶなか、カメラは赤いひげを生やしたドワーフへと近づく。 | |
[木槌を持ったドワーフのキャラクターを操作] Oh, dude! I just took the biggest crap. Hey-where are you guys? | |
[音声のみ] We're over here, by the cart. [画面が切り替わり、3人のゲームキャラクター——青色の甲冑を装備した騎士、緑色の衣服を身につけた女性、オレンジ色の装備をした騎士——がドワーフの到着を待つ姿が映る。ドワーフ、仲間の3人の元へ歩み寄る] | |
Okay, I'm back. | |
[剣と盾を構える青い甲冑騎士] Dude! We've been waiting forever! | |
Well, I'm sorry, I had to take a dump! | |
[胸部が目立って描写される女性] If you didn't eat so much, you wouldn't have diarrhea all the time, fatass! | |
Hey, I don't need to take any lip from a frickin' girl! | |
[オレンジ色の騎士] [仲間の言葉を受けて、不明瞭につぶやく] (I think Kyle has fake titties, hahahaha) | |
Heheh, totally, heheh. | |
Come on, we have to finish the quest in Stonehaven. [歩き去り、仲間があとに続く] | |
[音声のみ] Stan? [スタン、停止] Stan? | |
H-hang on, guys, my dad wants something. | |
Stan! | |
ランディ登場。スタン、怒った表情で父親をにらみつける。 | |
What?! | |
[怒りの表情で] You've been on your computer all weekend. Shouldn't you go out and socialize with your friends? | |
[体ごと父親に向き直り] I am socializing, r-tard. I'm logged on to an MMORPG with people from all over the world, and getting XP with my party using TeamSpeak. | |
[息子をじっと見た後、気落ちした様子で視線を落とし] ...I'm not a r-tard. [歩き去ると、スタンもゲームを再開] | |
World of Warcraft、アゼロスの地(land of Azeroth) | |
All right, sorry guys. So where to now? | |
See where I am? It's this way. [スタン、仲間に追いつく。カイルが操作する女性キャラクター、辺りを見渡す。道を誤っていることに気付いて慌てて引き返す] | |
Yeah, come on, let's go! [主役4人が操作するキャラクター、並んで歩きはじめる] I am the mightiest dwarf in all of Azeroth! | |
Wow, look at all these people playing right now. | |
Yeah, it's bullcrap. I'll bet half of these people are Koreans. | |
[歩行をやめて身振り手振りをする] Oh crap! It's that guy again! [ひとりのプレーヤーキャラクターが4人に接近して、踊りを始める。未知のキャラクター、ヘルメットとブーツ、肘丈の手袋、短いズボンのみで軽装であり、上半身は裸である] | |
Who is this? | |
This is the guy that kept killing us after you went to bed! | |
Get out of here, asshole! | |
He's a way higher level than us. It isn't fair. | |
It's all right. He can't kill us unless we agree to duel. [未知のキャラクター、奇襲を仕掛けてケニーを殺害] | |
Oh my God, he killed Kenny! | |
[女性らしい声で、固めたこぶしを突き上げて] You bastard! [未知のキャラクター、カイルとスタンに奇襲を仕掛けて殺害] | |
Don't you have better things to do than going online killing people?! [未知のキャラクター、臨戦態勢を取る] No! I don't want them to start over at the graveyard! [未知のキャラクター、火の玉をカートマンに撃ち込む] No! [攻撃を受けたカートマン、顔から地面に崩れ落ちる] | |
カートマンの自室。カートマン、しばし停止後にヘッドセットを放り投げる。 | |
That son of a bitch! | |
ジェラルドの作業室 | |
Who is that guy? | |
ランディの作業室 | |
[肩肘を突いて] Whoever he is, he is one tough badass. | |
悪質プレーヤーの自宅。悪質プレーヤー、肥満型の男性と判明。椅子に体を預けており、中身のない炭酸水、あめの包装紙が辺りに散乱している。 ハードディスクがら赤い光を発するが、肥満型の男は眼鏡を直してゲームを続行する。 | |
昼、ブリザード・エンターテイメント。大企業らしい立派な外観が画面に映る。 | |
同内部。受付係が電話を受信する。 | |
[女性の声] World of Warcraft support line. | |
Yeah, we bought your game, and played it online, but every time we log in, some other player comes in and kills us! | |
O..ohhh that shouldn't happen. We designed the game so that players have to agree to a duel before they can kill each other. | |
Yeah? Well this guy does it anyway! | |
He's a God damned butthole! | |
Really? That's odd. [近付いてきた同僚にささやく] More people calling in about their characters getting killed. [再度マイクに顔を向ける] | |
Oh no. | |
Well, we'll certainly keep a look out for that player and ban him from the network. [ささやき声で] Better tell the guys upstairs. | |
同社、役員会議室 | |
Fellow board members, we have a problem: somebody in the World of Warcraft is ignoring the World's rules...and is going around killing innocent players.. | |
Why kill innocent players? The game is about finishing quests. | |
We've got to delete him from the servers. | |
We can't. Whoever this player is, he has played World of Warcraft so much, that he has reached a level we thought unreachable. He's actually able to kill our admins. And he grows stronger every day. | |
Jesus... | |
[椅子から立ち上がり] I've gotta get home! My kids are playing World of Warcraft right now! | |
Jim, your kids' characters are already dead. | |
No... [椅子に座り込み] No... [いら立って] They just started playing! | |
What kind of person would do this? | |
[テーブルの端に近づき、ドア付近に立つ] Only one kind. Whoever this player is, he has played World of Warcraft nearly every hour of every day for the past year and a half. Gentlemen, we are dealing with someone here who...has absolutely no life. | |
How do you kill...that which has no life? [質問に答える者はあらず] | |
アメリカ地質調査所。パソコン機器に囲まれた施設内で執務にあたるランディ。施設は洗練されており、最新の液晶ディスプレイがそろっている。ランディ、コンピューターを操作している。 | |
[画面内に映る] Randy, you workin' on that sediment analysis? | |
Not now, Nelson. I just joined a big party of night elves and we're gonna explore the Tower of Azora together. | |
[ランディの席に近付き] Is that a computer game? | |
No, r-tard, it's an MMORPG. These are real people I'm playing with. See, I'm a hunter, level 2. [白髪の男性を操作して手を振る] I can chat with all these other people. I can even wave to this guy, see? [実演] "Hello." [他のキャラクター、手を振り返す] In the outside world, I'm a simple geologist, but in here...I am Falcorn, Defender of the Alliance. I've braved the Fargodeep mine and defeated the Bloodfish at Jarod's Landing. [悪質プレーヤーがランディに近付き、殺害をして歩き去る] | |
Hm. Looks like that guy just killed you. [向きを変えて歩き去る] | |
What?? Why?? Why?! | |
カートマンの地下室。4年生の男子生徒のほとんどが集結しており、カートマンの言葉に耳を傾けている。後列からトゥイーク、ジミー、ケヴィン、ジェイソン。中列、クライド、トールキン、バターズ、ティミー。最前列、クレイグ、スタン、カイル、ケニー。 | |
My friends: as you all know, some giant butthole keeps logging onto Warcraft and killing all our characters. | |
The past...four nights we've tried to play, he shows up and kills us! | |
He killed my character right in the middle of a quest! | |
Mine too! | |
We've learned that the four of us can't fight him alone. But, if we all log in together!, we might have a chance. | |
Hey yeah! | |
We can really stick it to that assm-m-muncher! | |
Are you guys dumb? We can't beat him, even with all of us. It's a waste of time. | |
Dude, we have to try. | |
I've got better things to do. | |
Clyde, Clyde! [クライドに語りかけるため、指揮台の周りを歩き回る] If you had a chance right now to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? [手を打ち] I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he was awesome, but you would, right? | |
[かたくなに] I'm just gonna stop playing. | |
When Hitler rose to power there were a lot of people who just stopped playing. You know who those people were? The French! Are you French, Clyde? | |
No. | |
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Clyde? (クライド、私と寝てみたい?) | |
All right all right, I'll do it! | |
So what's the p-plan? | |
All right, you all login from your computers at precisely 7:30. [ゲームの舞台を示した地図に歩み寄り] We will meet here, on the plains of the elven forest near Westfall. My friends, to victory! | |
To victory! | |
I don't play World of Warcraft. | |
Butters, you said you were on your computer all the time! | |
Yeah, but I'm playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure. | |
Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. | |
O-oh, o-oh, a-alright. All right then. | |
World of Warcraft、ウェストフォール付近。カメラが草原を映す。集合した男子生徒のゲームキャラクターたちに、カートマンが号令を掛ける。 | |
All right, you guys, this is it! When the attack begins, all warriors click on defensive stance. Everyone else, wait for Craig to cast his intellect buff. | |
[ブラック・ウォリアーのキャラクターを使用して] Okay. | |
Got it. | |
The battle is sure to be long, so make sure you all have your special abilities macroed to your keyboards. | |
All right, Eric. You can c-c-count on us. | |
Timmy! | |
This shall be a day for all to remember! Let us bravely charge the fields of Azeroth! [カートマンの操作キャラクターと全く同一のドワーフが歩み寄ってくる] From with- | |
Hey fellas! [カートマン、ドワーフを眺め回す] Boy, this is neato, huh? | |
Butters? What the hell are you doing? | |
I got World of Warcraft, like you said. | |
You can't be the dwarf character, Butters, I'm the dwarf. | |
Well, there's only like four races to choose from- | |
So pick another one! I'm the dwarf, you stupid asshole! Log out, create a new character, and log back in! | |
[不満をつぶやきながら歩き去る] I like Hello Kitty Island Adventure a lot more 'n this stuff. | |
Come on, let's do this! | |
Yeah, my mom says I have to be in bed at 9:30. | |
[振り返って指揮をとり] Then let's move out! [男子生徒が動きだす] | |
野原。悪質プレーヤーキャラクター、陽気に散歩をしながら行き交う他キャラクターを虐殺していく。攻撃力は非常に強く、太刀打ちできるキャラクターはいない。 | |
Look! There he is! | |
Everyone hold! [全員が足を止めると、悪質プレーヤーは彼らを振り向く] | |
He's targeting us. | |
Prepare to charge! Scroll over him with your mouse cursors! And...Right-click! [一同が特殊能力発揮のための準備中に、悪質プレーヤーが巨大なサソリを召喚する] What the? Oh Jesus, he summoned scorpions! [悪質プレーヤーの顔が再度画面に映る。自宅で椅子に寄り掛かって座り、苦もなくゲームを続行する。悪質プレーヤーキャラクターおよびスコーピオン、カートマンら男子生徒を次々と殺害する] | |
Aaaa! [体に引火したため辺りを走り回るが、鎮火を助ける者は誰もない] I'm burning! Oh Jesus I'm burning! [悪質プレーヤー、近くに立つケニーを殺害する] | |
Kenny's down. K-k-kenny is down. [トゥイーク、鎮火できずなお走り回る] | |
[紫色の衣服を着た呪術使い] I'm gonna poop on my pants. | |
Ike, look out! [悪質プレーヤー、背後からアイクを刺殺] | |
Aah Kyle! [アイク、ゲームオーバーとなる。スタン、サソリの群れの中を抜けていく] | |
All right, Clyde, hit him with your crossbow! [クライドのキャラクターは弓を構えている] Hit him now, Clyde! Clyde? Clyde! [コンピューターの前のクライド、ゲームに参加をせずにグラビア雑誌プレイボーイに集中している] Clyde! Clyde, you asshole! [急いで他の仲間の元へ走りながら] Goddammit we lost Clyde! | |
付近に立つスタン、サソリの攻撃をかわしたところに、白髪の狩人が近づいてくる。 | |
Hey, Stan, can I play with you guys? [スタンのキャラクター、振り返る] | |
Dad?? | |
Yeah, I'm playing from the office. | |
Dad, get off our teamspeak line! | |
[悪質プレーヤー、トールキンを殺害] That's it, I'm dead! | |
[悪質プレーヤーにより殺害されたスタン、ヘッドセットをまたも放り投げる] That's it, screw this game! | |
No, leave me alone, don't do- [悪質プレーヤー、カートマンが操る木槌をものともせずに短剣で殺害] god, dugh [カートマン死亡。悪質プレーヤー、スキップをしながら立ち去る。カートマン、マイクに向かって叫びながらヘッドセットを放り投げて] God-fucking-dammit!!! [悪質プレーヤーの自宅。プレーヤー、ゲームをなおも続行する] | |
ブリザードの会議室 | |
Oh Jesus...Oh God no... | |
What? | |
He just finished killing every single player in the Arathi Highlands. | |
How many people's characters were in there? | |
Over five thousand. [複数社員が席に座り込み、1人が立ち上がる] | |
There are over seven million people who log on to World of Warcraft! Are you telling me all those people's characters are going to die, and there's nothing we can do to save them? | |
Yes. And it won't be long before everyone gets really really frustrated and stops playing altogether. Gentlemen, this could very well lead to the end of the World...of Warcraft. | |
[頭を抱えて] No! Nooooooooo! | |
近隣の公園。スタン、カイル、ケニー、バスケットボールで遊んでいる。カートマン、公園へとやってくる。 | |
What the hell are you guys doing?? Don't tell me you all quit playing World of Warcraft too?! | |
Dude, we're done. we're sick of getting killed all the time. | |
Guys, when things look bad, you can't just give up on the world. Of Warcraft. | |
We don't have a choice, dude. That guy killed our characters 14 times. | |
I have a solution, you guys. That guy can kill us so easily because he's a super-high level, right? What if we were super-high level too? | |
We can't get to a higher level because that dude doesn't let us finish quests! | |
That's why we just need to log in and stay in the forest, killing boars. | |
Boars? | |
There's lots of computer-generated boars in Warcraft that die with just one blow. | |
Dude, boars are only worth two experience points apiece. Do you know how many we would have to kill to get up 30 levels? | |
Yes. [計算用紙を取り出して] Sixty-five million three hundred and forty thousand two hundred and eighty five. Which should take us seven weeks five days thirteen hours and twenty minutes, giving ourselves three hours a night to sleep. What do you say, guys? You can just...you can just hang outside in the sun all day tossin' a ball around, [一時停止] or you can sit at your computer and do somethin' that matters. | |
World of Warcraft。ポール・スタンリーの楽曲"Live to Win"が流れる。 主役4人のゲームキャラクター、森でイノシシを探して大量虐殺する。カートマン、キーボードの周りに置いた栄養ドリンクやドーナッツ、お菓子を摂取する。口元を袖で拭う。マコーミック家のケニー、両親がケンカをしているリビングルームでオンラインゲームを続ける。ジェラルドの作業部屋、カイル、アイクに身の回りの世話を任せてゲームを続ける。9月3日から数日が過ぎて、他の子供たちはみな外で遊んでいるが、主役たちは休み時間と昼ご飯の時間を全て消費してコンピューター室でのゲームに明け暮れる。トゥイーク、クレイグ、クライド、ケヴィン、トールキンが自宅前の道路でフットボールをしていても、スタンは自室に引きこもり、オンラインゲームに熱中する。そしてさらに月日は過ぎていく……。 | |
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes! Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in | |
ブリザードの会議室。役員たちがゲーム画面を注視している。 | |
Sir, you'd better have a look at this! Four of our subscribers...They've gone up fifty levels in three weeks. | |
My God...they must have no lives at all. | |
A hope? | |
A chance. | |
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting 'till you fall Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in | |
朝の6時30分、カイルの寝室。3時間睡眠を決行中であるため、カイルが就寝したのは朝の3時半であることが分かる。彼もスタンと同様に顔面がにきびだらけであった。カイル、ベットから降りると父の作業部屋に行き、コンピューターの電源を入れて再びイノシシの虐殺に取り掛かる。 | |
Dude, my mouse-clicking finger hurts. | |
Keep clicking, Kyle! You can do it! | |
ケニー、リビングルームでゲームを続行。ランディ、ゲームを続けるなかで経験値142を獲得するスタンの様子を伺う。カートマン、さらに脂肪が増えてジャバ・ザ・ハットのような外見となる。マウスをクリックする指が大写しになる。カイル、不調を感じる指を動かし、ストレッチをさせてからゲームを再開する。イノシシ狩りは続く。カートマン、トイレで排泄をしながらゲームの攻略本を読み込んでいる。スタンとケニーもそれぞれにキーボードをたたく指が映される。ケニーはスタンやカイルほどには肥えていなかった。再び学校、4人がまたもコンピューター室でゲームを続行する。カートマンは片腕を上げて、一種勝利宣言を表明した。 | |
夜、ブリザードの会議室。代表の男、机と窓の間に立って夜景を眺めている。WoWの彫刻が画面に映る。 | |
The admins tell us they are four players from a small town in Colorado. | |
Are they strong enough to defeat the Evil One? | |
[緑字で"Dwarf Needs FOOD!"と書かれた黒いTシャツを着た男] We ran the numbers: even with their amazing rise in levels, they have a 90% mortality probability. They'd be walking in a slaughter! | |
There has to be...someway we can help them. | |
What about...the Sword of a Thousand Truths? | |
Quiet, Thomas! We aren't even to speak of that sword! | |
But maybe these new players are the ones the prophecy foretold of. | |
It is not an option! | |
What is this sword? | |
Long ago, when the World of Warcraft was created, one of the programmers put a sword called the Sword of a Thousand Truths into the game inventory. | |
Apparently it could cause 120 damage per second, with an instant mana burn and an enchantment that boosts its stamina +80. | |
But the sword was considered to be too powerful for anyone to possess. So it was removed from the game and stored on a one-gig flash drive. | |
But it was foretold that one day, players who could wield the sword might reveal themselves. | |
Who foretold this prophecy? | |
Soltzman. He's an accountant. | |
夜、事務室内にある会計係の机。忍び込んだ役員たちは、机の際冗談にある引き出しを開けて、ちいさな持ち運び用の金庫を取りだす。金庫の鍵を開けて、USBフラッシュドライブを取り出す。 | |
Behold, the Sword of a Thousand Truths. [フラッシュドライブが大写しとなる] We must get this sword to the ones who have proven they have no life. Let's just hope to Christ they don't start the battle before we can reach them. | |
夜、カートマンの地下室。主役たち、地下室に集合をしてオンラインゲームを続行中である。 | |
All right, you guys. The Moment of Truth is here. It is time for our final battle. Everyone, log in! | |
I'm in. | |
Me too. | |
(Me too.) | |
[苦しげにゲームの進行指示を出すが、声に覇気がない] Everyone equip healing potions to the hotbar if you haven't already. Uh, Kyle, go ahead and cast Arcane Brilliance to raise our intelligence. | |
Hang on, I'm chaining my fire spells for max range. | |
Nice. Stan, what enchantment does your Cloak of the Tiger have? | |
+15 agility. | |
Give the cloak to Kenny, he needs the agility boost for bow attacks. | |
'K. | |
Hold on, this fight could last more than twelve hours. What if we run out of food? | |
Don't worry, I have that covered. [机上の機器に設置されたボタンを押下] Mom? | |
Yes hon? | |
More Hot Pockets! | |
[応答があり] Right away, hon. [カートマン、機器の電源を切る] | |
That's übercool. | |
All right, everyone ready? | |
Ready. | |
Let's go get him! [戦闘開始。悪質プレーヤー、クッキーを片手にゲームを続行] | |
Wait, I think I see him. Yeah, yeah, he's here in Goldshire. | |
Okay, everyone open your uplifts and autolocate to Stan. | |
What's the autolocate macro? | |
Command-0. [鼻をすする] | |
Okay, right behind Stan. | |
Kenny, get ready to turn on true-shot aura. At that moment, I will use intimidating shout. | |
Okay, he sees us...He's targeted us. | |
Okay, hit him with pyroblast, Kyle. | |
Casting...there's an 8-second cast time. | |
Aren't you spec'd to reduce cast time? | |
No, ah, I'm an arcane fire mage. | |
Christ... | |
Cast on him again. | |
Everyone target scorpions. | |
World of Warcraft、最終決戦。悪質プレーヤー、主役4人に囲まれて劣勢となるも、ケニーへの攻撃に集中する。17時間後、レベルを強化した主役たちを倒せない悪質プレーヤー、椅子の上で姿勢を正して戦闘に集中する。一方のブリザード代表と社員1名、スタンの自宅を訪問する。社員がドアをたたき、家人が顔を出す。 | |
Yes? | |
We are looking for a great knight by the name of LovesToSpooge. | |
That's my son's character's name in Warcraft. | |
Where is he?! | |
Who are you? | |
Sir, we don't have time! We just heard from our admins that your son's party is already in battle! | |
Unless they have this sword, [フラッシュドライブを取り出して] your son's character is going to die! | |
[目を見開くランディの顔が大写しになる] Nn-Oh my God! [コーヒーカップを落とし、上階へと急ぐ。ブリザードの関係者2人は互いに顔を見合わせた後、ランディを追う] | |
World of Warcraft、戦闘は継続中。 | |
Kyle! Fire spell! | |
Aaaa... [魔術の準備をするが、突如動作を中断する] AH! Huh?! [キャラクターが左手で右の手首をつかむ] | |
Kyle! [カイル、右手をかばいながら席を外す。手首のストレッチを始めたカイルを心配したスタン、すぐさま席を離れてカイルに近付く] Kyle! Dude, what's wrong? | |
Carpal tunnel! Carpal tunnel! It's aaaah! [手首や腕を伸ばしながら、苦しそうにうめく] | |
Oh, Jesus, he's got it bad! [カートマン、2人に近づく] | |
Wait, we need Ben-Gay. [ケニーの机までよたよたと歩いてハンドクリームを持ちだし、カイルの手に塗る] | |
Hurry dude! | |
I'm going as fast as I can! | |
Kyle, you have to keep playing. | |
I can't. Just leave me behind. | |
We can't do this without you now! Come on! [カートマンの手伝いを受けてカイルを机に座らせる] | |
スタンの自室。コンピューターが消失している。ランディとブリザードの社員が乱入する。 | |
Stan?! Stan! [辺りを見回していると、洗濯かごを抱えたシャロンが部屋をのぞく] Sharon, where is Stan?! | |
I don't know. He took his computer somewhere to play that stupid online game. | |
Stupid? | |
Where?! | |
I don't know. | |
Sharon, his character is going to die if we don't get to him! | |
So what? | |
So what?! [シャロン、呆れた表情で歩き去る] | |
We're too late. Without the sword the players will fail. | |
I-if we could get to a computer, we could sign on to the World of Warcraft and give the boys the sword online. | |
I don't have a World of Warcraft account. Do you? | |
No, I have a life. [男性ら、沈黙] | |
Give me the sword. | |
You? | |
I have a Warcraft character. I'm a newb, but I can log on and get the sword to Stan online. | |
We can't trust the Sword of a Thousand Truths to a newb! | |
Sounds to me like we don't have a choice! Give me the sword. [社員、片膝を突いてうやうやしい態度でフラッシュドライブをランディに手渡す。ランディ、受け取ったフラッシュドライブを剣のように両手で持って掲げる] Ahhhh. Come on, we've got to get to a computer that works! [ブリザードの面々を率いて家を出る] | |
夜、降雪の野外。 | |
Where's your car? | |
We took a cab here! | |
Dammit, mine's in the shop! [通りまで走る] Uh hey! Eh help! Stop! [車、減速] Please, it's an emergency! [ランディ、ドアを開けた運転手を引きずり出し、殴打して昏倒させる。ランディとブリザードの社員ら、乗車して走り去る。運転手が起き上がる頃には発車しており、ランディは電話を掛けている] Nelson! Nelson, I need to come over and use your computer! No, I d-I need to play World of Warcraft! NELSON! | |
昼間、悪質プレーヤーの自宅。プレーヤー、トルティーヤチップスを食べている。チップスのかけらが衣服の上に落ちる。プレーヤー、チップスのかけらを衣服から払い落とすと、無駄のない動きで戦闘を続行する。 | |
カートマン宅の地下室。主役4人、攻防戦を続けている。 | |
All right, major stone shield potions should be...Oh God, I'm going to have diarrhea again. Ohhh...Duuuh... | |
You can't go to the bathroom, you're stacking sunder armor! | |
It's okay. [機器の電源を入れて] Mom? Bathroom! | |
What hon? | |
Bathroom! Bathroom! [機器の電源を落とす。数秒後、オマルを持ったリアンが地下室におりてくる。リアンがオマルをカートマンに近づけると、カートマンはズボンを下ろす。カートマン、勢いよく大便を排泄の後、水蒸上に残りの便を辺りに噴射する。ふん便は床やリアンの顔に降りかかる] | |
Oohh, that's a big boy, isn't he? [オマルを抱えて立ち去る。カートマン、尻を拭かずにズボンを履き直す] | |
All right, Kenny, drink your elixir of the mongoose. I'm now going to use mocking blow. | |
夜、とある道路。ランディ、電話を切り、通りがかったベスト・バイに目を留める。車を駐車して入店したランディ、案内係につかみかかる。 | |
World of Warcraft! I need to play! | |
Our demo is set up right over by the- [ランディ、テストゲーム機に近づき、すでにゲーム機で遊んでいた少年を突き飛ばす] | |
Got to...sign in...character name...All right, I'm in! [ヘッドセットを装着する] | |
カートマン宅の地下室 | |
Dude, I'm almost dead. | |
Kyle, cast arcane missiles! | |
I'm out of mana, I told you. | |
ゲーム舞台内の映像 | |
[操作キャラクターが戦闘から離脱] I've gotta heal. [振り返って戦況を見る] | |
Staaan! [スタン、声の行方を探して体の向きを変える] | |
Dad? Not now! | |
Stan! I've been sent here...to bring you this. [千の矛盾をつく剣を掲げる] This sword can completely drain his mana. | |
Dad, how did you get that?! | |
No time! Just take it! Here! [剣はランディの手を離れない] ...How, how do you hand something from one player to another? | |
Bring up your inventory screen: Control-I... | |
Okay. [悪質プレーヤー、マーシュ親子に気付く。カートマン、体の向きを変えて叫ぶ] | |
Stan, what the hell are you doing?! [悪質プレーヤー、スタンとランディに忍び寄る] | |
I got it! [ランディ、悪質プレーヤーにより刺殺] | |
Augh! | |
Dad! | |
Stan... [地面に顔を伏せる] | |
Dad, no! [悪質プレーヤーに顔を向けて] You killed my father. [悪質プレーヤーに近づき、剣でひとなぎする。悪質プレーヤーの防御が揺らぐ] | |
His shield and armor spells are down! | |
Attack! [ケニー、素早く弓を構えて火のついた矢を悪質プレーヤーの胸部に打ち込む。カイル、火の玉を悪質プレーヤーに向かって飛ばす。攻撃を受けた悪質プレーヤー、ナイフを取り落として地面に膝を突く。ところへドワーフが木槌を両手に近づく。] | |
Looks like you're about to get pwned. [木槌を振りかぶる] Heeyeah! [木槌、悪質プレーヤーキャラクターの頭部を粉砕] | |
悪質プレーヤーの自宅。悪質プレーヤー、いつも通りに着席しているが、開いた口がふさがらない状態。不明瞭な雑音が響くなか、ゲームは継続 | |
ゲーム内の世界。スタン、剣を放りだしてランディが操作するキャラクターに駆け寄り、揺さぶり起こす。 | |
Dad? Dad? | |
[返答] Staaan. [スタン、口ごもる父親の言葉を辛抱強く待つ] I've never been able to say this before, but...I love you, son. | |
I know you do, Dad. | |
[スタンの手を振り払い] Augh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... | |
画面が切り替わり、ベスト・バイ店内で演技をするランディが映る。 | |
They did it! | |
Our world is saved! [ランディ、笑う] | |
ゲーム内の世界。主役4人、倒れた悪質プレーヤーキャラクターの周りに集まる。他のキャラクターも4人の周りに集まる。 | |
They did it! They killed him! [隠れ場所から飛び出し、仲間もそれに続く] | |
They did it! | |
They killed him! We can come out! | |
Yes! | |
We did it! | |
Yeah! | |
カートマン宅の地下室 | |
Yeah. | |
Yeah yeah. | |
All right, yay. | |
(Woohoo! Oh man!) | |
We did it you guys. We're totally heroes. | |
That was such über pwnage | |
I can't believe it's all over. What do we do now? | |
What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game. | |
Oh yeah. | |
Okay Kenny, add Eyes of the Beast to your hotbar. Stan, check your fury talents to boost your shots. | |
Got it. | |
Make Love, Not Warcraft終了 |
| |||||
エピソードの要素 |
Jenkins • World of Warcraft • 千の矛盾をつく剣 • ブリザード・エンターテイメント • "Live to Win" | ||||
ナビゲーション | |||||
発行物 |