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Kyle telah memainkan sejumlah olahraga termasuk Bola Basket, Sepak Bola, Bisbol, Sepak Bola, Hoki, dan Dodgeball. Dia sangat berbakat secara atletis. Kyle dikenal sebagai pemain basket terbaik di South Park Elementary, salah satu dari dua olahraga di mana Stan bukan yang terbaik (yang lainnya Dodgeball, di mana Pip dianggap yang terbaik). Namun di episode "[[Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina]]", dia pergi ke uji coba permainan semua negara dan ditolak bukan karena keahliannya, tetapi karena fakta bahwa dia pendek dan Yahudi (bukan tinggi dan hitam). Anehnya, Kyle tidak ada di tim basket di episode "[[Elementary School Musical]]", meskipun ini mungkin untuk menghindari Kyle yang aktif dalam mode. Kyle telah menyatakan bahwa dia ingin bermain di Denver Nuggets suatu hari nanti. Namun, di tim sepak bola, ia sangat berbakat. Dia membuat gol, yang mengatakan keahliannya. Dia bermain sebagai Penjaga dalam Basket, Penerima Lebar dalam Sepak Bola, dan Pangkalan Kedua dalam Bisbol.
Kyle telah memainkan sejumlah olahraga termasuk Bola Basket, Sepak Bola Amerika, Bisbol, Sepak Bola, Hoki, dan Dodgeball. Dia sangat berbakat secara atletis. Kyle dikenal sebagai pemain basket terbaik di South Park Elementary, salah satu dari dua olahraga di mana Stan bukan yang terbaik (yang lainnya Dodgeball, di mana Pip dianggap yang terbaik). Namun di episode "[[Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina]]", dia pergi ke uji coba permainan semua negara dan ditolak bukan karena keahliannya, tetapi karena fakta bahwa dia pendek dan Yahudi (bukan tinggi dan hitam). Anehnya, Kyle tidak ada di tim basket di episode "[[Elementary School Musical]]", meskipun ini mungkin untuk menghindari Kyle yang aktif dalam mode. Kyle telah menyatakan bahwa dia ingin bermain di Denver Nuggets suatu hari nanti. Namun, di tim sepak bola, ia sangat berbakat. Dia membuat gol, yang mengatakan keahliannya. Dia bermain sebagai Penjaga dalam Basket, Penerima Lebar dalam Sepak Bola, dan Pangkalan Kedua dalam Bisbol.

Revisi per 26 Oktober 2018 16.55

Kyle Broflovski adalah salah satu karakter utama South Park, bersama dengan Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, dan Kenny McCormick. Berdasarkan rekan pencipta Matt Stone, Kyle adalah anggota satu-satunya keluarga Yahudi di South Park. Dia sering dicatat untuk ini, juga kecerdasannya.

Latar Belakang

Keyakinan Agama

Kyle adalah agama Yahudi, tetapi detail ini tidak secara resmi terungkap sampai "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo", meskipun telah disebutkan secara singkat di film pendek The Spirit of Christmas kedua, dan dalam "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride". Itu juga disebutkan dalam "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig". Cartman secara teratur membuat pernyataan yang merendahkan tentang orang-orang Yahudi, sering secara langsung di hadapan Kyle secara khusus untuk memperburuknya.

Kyle tampaknya memiliki perasaan campur aduk terhadap Yudaisme, dan ada bukti yang bertentangan mengenai religius keluarganya - misalnya, ketika mereka berpakaian sama dengan banyak orang Yahudi yang religius (Gerald, misalnya, selalu mengenakan yarmulke), mereka tampaknya tidak menyimpan Sabat atau mengikuti kehidupan seksual yang sangat ketat (Sheila Stone, ibu dari Matt Stone, adalah dirinya seorang Yahudi Sefardim). Ketidakpedulian Kyle terhadap agama mungkin merupakan bagian dari usahanya untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan teman-temannya, yang kebanyakan adalah Katolik Roma. Kyle lebih sering membela diri daripada bangga dengan imannya, dan meskipun ia secara teratur menghadiri fungsi-fungsi seperti "Pramuka Yahudi", ia sering memiliki pemahaman yang buruk tentang sejarah, tradisi, dan ritual-ritual agamanya. Dia sangat naif, meskipun dia terlihat tahu lebih banyak di musim kemudian. Ini bisa jadi kesalahan orang tuanya, yang, dalam upaya salah kaprah untuk melindungi putra mereka, pada umumnya tidak membicarakan dengannya poin-poin penting dari agama mereka. Sebagai contoh:

  • Dalam episode "Starvin' Marvin," Kyle terlihat sedang makan daging di King Jimmy All You Can Eat Buffet. Entah dia tidak tahu bahwa ham itu tidak halal, atau dia tidak mematuhi hukum diet Yahudi. Perlu juga dicatat bahwa orang tua Kyle hadir.
  • Ketika dia mendengar bahwa saudara angkatnya Ike akan memiliki sebuah bris, dia berada di bawah kesalahpahaman bahwa itu melibatkan memotong seluruh penis daripada hanya kulup. Ini terlepas dari fakta bahwa Kyle menyunat dirinya sendiri - meskipun dia terlalu muda untuk mengingat ini dan tidak menyadari bahwa dia disunat.
  • Setelah melihat The Passion of the Christ Mel Gibson, ia mengakui kepada Cartman bahwa Cartman benar tentang orang Yahudi selama ini dan berdiri di sinagoge untuk menuntut agar orang-orang Yahudi meminta maaf atas kematian Kristus. Ironisnya, ia secara pribadi membunuh Yesus di "Fantastic Easter Special", meskipun tindakan itu bukan karena kejahatan tetapi permintaan Yesus sendiri (sehingga ia dapat membangkitkan dirinya sendiri dan menyelamatkan Stan dan "Hare Club for Men" dari direbus hidup-hidup seperti kelinci). Kyle pada mulanya enggan untuk menyetujui permintaan Yesus dan, prihatin mengenai implikasi orang Yahudi yang membunuh Kristus, hanya pada akhirnya disepakati asalkan Eric Cartman tidak akan pernah tahu tentang hal itu, ini juga menggemakan klaim yang tidak terbukti dan sangat kontroversial bahwa Yudas mengkhianati Kristus. atas permintaan, bukan karena alasan jahat.
  • Ketika dia mengetahui kondisi Katolik untuk masuk ke Surga, dia meninggalkan keyakinannya atas dasar bahwa jika orang Yahudi benar tentang masalah ini, tidak akan ada bedanya jika dia seorang Katolik, tetapi jika umat Katolik benar, dia akan pergi ke neraka karena tidak menerima Kristus.
  • Dalam episode awal, "Chickenpox", ketika ayahnya memberi tahu dia tentang bagaimana masyarakat bekerja, dia memikirkan "ide yang lebih baik", yang melibatkan pengiriman semua orang miskin ke perkemahan konsentrasi sehingga hanya orang kaya yang akan hidup. Gerald dengan cepat menyadari bahwa dia tidak toleran terhadap orang-orang yang kurang beruntung daripada dirinya sendiri dan segera menghentikannya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa, paling tidak pada awal pertunjukan, Kyle tidak memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang Holokaus atau bentuk lain genosida.
  • Meskipun orang Yahudi, Kyle tampaknya sangat bersemangat tentang acara Baconalia yang terjadi di Denny's setempat. Cartman menggunakan "Bacon filled Pancakes" sebagai daya tarik untuk mendapatkan Kyle terlibat dalam Crack Baby Basketball League. Meskipun Kyle tidak terlihat makan bacon, antusiasmenanya dipertanyakan jika dia membuat Kosher sebagai bagian dari keyakinan Yahudinya.
  • Dalam Cartmanland, Kyle secara singkat mencela imannya setelah mendapatkan haemorrhoid sementara Cartman mewarisi satu juta dolar dan membeli sebuah taman hiburan. Imannya dipulihkan, ketika Cartman kehilangan kendali atas taman bermain dan mendapat masalah dengan Internal Revenue Service.


Menurut Mr. Garrison, Kyle adalah siswa "pintar" dan "A+". Juga Kyle, bersama dengan anak laki-laki lainnya, digambarkan memiliki banyak bakat yang bermanfaat dan sepele. Namun, pada saat yang sangat langka, seperti kebanyakan anak-anak, ia juga digambarkan sebagai orang yang tidak tahu apa-apa.

Pengetahuan Tentang Alam Semesta

Dalam episode "The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000", Kyle mulai mempertanyakan kenyataan setelah ia menemukan Tooth Fairy tidak nyata. Dia membaca apa yang tampaknya setiap buku tentang psikologi, realitas, dan sains yang pernah ditulis. Ini juga menyebabkan dia mempertanyakan apakah dia benar-benar ada atau tidak. Di akhir episode, Kyle tampaknya memudar dari eksistensi sebelum pergi ke keadaan seperti Tuhan untuk sementara waktu; mendistorsi kenyataan dan membuat hibrida tupai-ayam raksasa muncul. Pada akhirnya, dia kembali normal, mengabaikan pengalaman itu. Selanjutnya, menjelang akhir episode "Cartman's Incredible Gift", Kyle berteriak pada Cartman dan detektif "psikis" lainnya, menyebabkan lampu padam dan rak-rak di belakang tempat tidur rumah sakitnya bergetar dan isinya jatuh.

Bermain Permainan Video

Kyle sering terlihat bermain permainan video dengan Stan, Kenny dan Cartman, dan memiliki Xbox. Dalam episode "Guitar Queer-O", anak-anak memuji keterampilan Kyle dan Stan pada Guitar Hero 123, dan kemudian di episode mereka lulus tanda titik juta bersama-sama dalam mode co-op - suatu prestasi yang dianggap mustahil. Dalam episode "Whale Whores", Kyle ditampilkan bermain gitar atau bass di Rock Band untuk lagu Poker Face.


Kyle telah memainkan sejumlah olahraga termasuk Bola Basket, Sepak Bola Amerika, Bisbol, Sepak Bola, Hoki, dan Dodgeball. Dia sangat berbakat secara atletis. Kyle dikenal sebagai pemain basket terbaik di South Park Elementary, salah satu dari dua olahraga di mana Stan bukan yang terbaik (yang lainnya Dodgeball, di mana Pip dianggap yang terbaik). Namun di episode "Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina", dia pergi ke uji coba permainan semua negara dan ditolak bukan karena keahliannya, tetapi karena fakta bahwa dia pendek dan Yahudi (bukan tinggi dan hitam). Anehnya, Kyle tidak ada di tim basket di episode "Elementary School Musical", meskipun ini mungkin untuk menghindari Kyle yang aktif dalam mode. Kyle telah menyatakan bahwa dia ingin bermain di Denver Nuggets suatu hari nanti. Namun, di tim sepak bola, ia sangat berbakat. Dia membuat gol, yang mengatakan keahliannya. Dia bermain sebagai Penjaga dalam Basket, Penerima Lebar dalam Sepak Bola, dan Pangkalan Kedua dalam Bisbol.


In "Hooked on Monkey Phonics" Kyle plays the guitar to serenade home-schooled Rebecca, who responds by throwing him money. He also performs with the boy band Fingerbang in "Something You Can Do with Your Finger". And accompanied Stan in their attempt at reaching one million points in co-op mode on Guitar Hero, in the episode "Guitar Queer-O". And is seen performing a musical number in "Elementary School Musical". He also played bass in the boys' band Moop. He does not appear to have much sense of rhythm in terms of dancing however, as in "Rainforest Shmainforest"; he kept messing up every time the group performed (although in 'Elementary School Musical' this was contradicted by the fact the main boys performed a long and complicated dance routine perfectly). Kyle also shouts after Robert Smith in the episode "Mecha-Streisand" that "Disintegration is the best album ever!"

Keahlian Komputer

Kyle is shown to have relatively strong computer skills, as shown in "The Snuke" wherein he uses various public resources to thwart a terrorist threat from a Soviet style militant. In the film he initiates research on the clitoris and accidentally stumbling on pornography featuring Liane Cartman. When arrested by the Japanese government for ecoterrorism in "Whale Whores" Stan enlists the help of Kyle (who remained in South Park) to manipulate an image showing a dolphin and whale in the Enola Gay to a cow and chicken. Kyle is also shown to be active on social media websites such as Facebook and using popular electronic devices such as Apple's iPad in "HUMANCENTiPAD". During the events of "Bass to Mouth", he solved the mystery of who was behind the Eavesdropper website scandal by tracking the IP address within the school. He is considered to have the best technology skills out of his entire class.

Penulisan & Puisi

Kyle occasionally phrases what he says in a somewhat poetic way when he speaks philosophically, questioning reality and why things are as they are. In "Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods" Mr. Garrison begins to explain haiku's (a form of poetry) to the class, but stops on noticing Cartman wasn't in the classroom. Kyle shortly after came up with three haiku's on the spot which were all used to insult Cartman. Also, in "The Wacky Molestation Adventure" Kyle is informed that Cartman had three extra tickets on the 28th row at the Raging Pussies concert, but Kyle's mom tells him he cannot go to see it unless he done all his chores and brought democracy to Cuba (assuming it to be an impossible task). This prompts Kyle to write a letter to Fidel Castro, who is actually convinced to bring democracy to Cuba after reading Kyle's innocent, persuasive rhymes, lyrics and words. Kyle also seems to take a leading role in writing the book The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs with the other boys in "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs".


In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000," Kyle seems to speak pig-Latin extremely well, even losing Stan in conversation. He can also speak and understand Marklar well.

Alter-Ego Pahlawan Super

See: Human Kite


Kyle becomes sick more often than any of the other boys, despite Kenny dying repeatedly. He experiences a painful infectious hemorrhoid when Cartman inherits $1 million from his grandmother and uses it to buy his own amusement park in "Cartmanland". He also experienced renal failure and needed a kidney transplant in "Cherokee Hair Tampons." In the episode "Guitar Queer-O", sickness apparently prevents Kyle from practicing Guitar Hero as much as Stan does. By contrast, in "Chickenpox," he is the only person in his class who doesn't easily catch the illness, even after playing a game in which Kenny spit into his mouth and he had to swallow it while saying, "Ooky Mouth". He ultimately catches it after prolonged exposure to Stan and Cartman, and contracts a more severe case than any of the other children.

Kyle and Cartman share the AB negative blood type, as revealed in the episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons". It was also revealed in "Cherokee Hair Tampons" that Kyle is diabetic, which may be the root for his many health concerns.

He is also shown to not have great oral health after getting two dental fillings in "You Have 0 Friends".

Daftar Masalah Kesehatan

  • Chicken Pox (possibly Shingles) in "Chickenpox" (semi serious, passed out and collapsed backward, but he was stabilized at the hospital.)
  • Kidney Failure in "Cherokee Hair Tampons" (fatal unless he received a kidney a that matched his AB- blood type; Stan tricked Cartman into donating a kidney)
  • Type I Diabetes, mentioned in "Cherokee Hair Tampons."
  • Hemorrhoid in "Cartmanland" (became seriously infected, was to be fatal due to Kyle giving up on life after a religious crisis. Condition caused heart failure. Stan wheeled Kyle to the amusement park; he regained hope when he witnessed Cartman's tantrum).
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) in "Make Love, Not Warcraft".
  • Died of AIDS in "Woodland Critter Christmas" (In Cartman's story) and actually got infected in "Tonsil Trouble". He was cured of the AIDS though with a cash injection.
  • Was sick with the common cold during the events of "The Snuke", but grew better at the end of the episode.

While not directly related to his health, the following events jeopardized his life:

  • Almost died in a Smug Storm in "Smug Alert!". However, he was saved by Cartman.
  • Died in "Imaginationland, Episode II" from a ManBearPig attack. However, he was revived by Cartman.
  • Died in "Imaginationland, Episode III" from missile fired by Al Gore (re-imagined by Butters).
  • Bashed his head in "Cartman's Incredible Gift".

Momen Dihukum

Like the other boys, Kyle is rarely grounded. He does regret most of the things he is grounded for. Kyle has been grounded on the following occasions:

  • South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Kyle was grounded for two weeks with the other boys for going to see an R rated Terrance and Phillip Movie, which caused Kenny's death.
  • "Fun with Veal" - Kyle, along with the rest of the boys, was grounded for keeping calves from being slaughtered and sold as veal.
  • "Butt Out" - Kyle was grounded for three weeks for smoking outside school with the other boys and for accidentally starting a fire on the school.
  • "Major Boobage" - Kyle was grounded by his parents in this episode because they caught him hiding a cat and thought that he was cheesing when in fact, Kyle was keeping the cat away from Kenny. However, his grounding was quickly lifted after his father, Gerald, who later cheesed and was caught in a huge scandal.

Catatan Kriminal

Kyle has committed various crimes over the course of the series.

  • Child Abuse: Has kicked his brother, Ike, around like a football numerous times, although Ike somehow avoids getting hurt in each of these instances.
  • Negligence: In "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", he leaves Ike behind at the bus stop, resulting in his abduction by Visitors. Kyle spends the rest of the episode trying to get him back. In "Ike's Wee Wee", he puts Ike on a freight train bound for Lincoln, Nebraska, in an attempt to stop his parents from circumcising Ike. Upon arrival, Ike is used as a table stand at a bar there.
  • False Imprisonment: In "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", following Wendy's advice, he ties Cartman to a tree, using him as bait to get the Visitors to return to Earth and present an opportunity to rescue Ike. In "Spontaneous Combustion", he and Stan, as part of a passion play at the latter's church, tie Cartman to a cross and place him on top of the nearby hill. Instead of untying him, though, they leave him there, thinking he will die and resurrect, helping to solve his father's impotence somehow.
  • Filing False Police Report: In "The Wacky Molestation Adventure", he lies to the police about his parents abusing him.
  • Attempted Murder: In "Death". he tries to help Stan kill his grandfather at the latter's request, as he has lost his will to live. They are unsuccessful in doing so.
  • Underage Smoking: In "Butt Out", he, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny smoked because they didn't want to be like people that told them how bad smoking was.
  • Eavesdropping: Along with Stan, secretly records Cartman playing with dolls in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut". Despite their counselor Mr. Mackey's assurance that this is legal, it is deemed eavesdropping under the law, as it involves secretly recording someone's conversations without their consent, and is thus a crime.
  • Usage of Illegal Fireworks: At the end of "Summer Sucks", he and Stan use two Tijuana bottle rockets smuggled into the US by Jimbo and Ned to destroy the giant snake firework that is threatening the entire United States. The usage of fireworks of this kind is illegal in the state of Colorado.
  • Trespassing: In "Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls", he ventures into the sewers to visit Mr. Hankey. In "Cartmanland", he attempts to break into Cartman's theme park, but pops his hemorrhoid trying to get in and is subsequently hospitalized.
  • Assault: Enraged by Cartman's wasting of money at the Cow Day's festival in "Cow Days", he attacks him. He has also attacked Cartman in numerous other episodes.
  • Academic Fraud: In "Gnomes", Kyle and his study group (his friends and Tweek) use the essay Tweek's dad wrote for them. This is academic fraud, because they are claiming they created a piece of academic work that they did not write.
  • Burglary: In "Prehistoric Ice Man", he breaks into Dr. Mephesto's laboratory and frees Larry.
  • Assault / Fighting: In "Prehistoric Ice Man", he gets into a dispute with Stan over Larry's name (he calls him "Steve", Stan calls him "Gorak") which ultimately culminates in a brawl at the train station.
  • Conspiracy to Commit Treason: In "Chinpokomon", he gets caught up in the Chinpokomon fad. As a result, he is brainwashed by the Japanese into launching an attack on Pearl Harbor, but is stopped from doing so by his parents use of reverse psychology and (contradictory) words of wisdom from Stan.
  • Use of Weapons of Mass Distruction / Manslaughter: In "World Wide Recorder Concert", in an effort to show up the New York kids at Yoko Ono's recorder concert, he and and his friends alter their song sheets to contain the brown note, so when the New York kids play their music, they will lose bowel control, soiling their pants and humiliating them. However, the organizers discover the revized sheet, believing that it is for the entire performance, resulting in the fake sheet music being distributed to every single child at the concert. As a result, the brown note - backed by the lungs of over four million American third-graders - is heard throughout the world, with disasterous consequences and, in at least one case, loss of life. The Boys did, however, succeed in impressing the New York kids.
  • Organized Criminal Activity: In "The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000", becomes involved in the tooth trade.
  • Attempting to Facilitate a Prison Escape / Smuggling Contraband into a Correctional Facility: In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", he attempts to give Cartman a cake with a file into prison to help him break out. Due to prison regulations prohibiting inmates from bringing food to their cells, however, he fails to do this. He does however, give Cartman cigarettes.
  • Drug Abuse: In "Timmy 2000", he and all of South Park get high on Ritalin. In "Butt Out", he and the boys took up smoking. In "Quest for Ratings", he and the rest of the Sexy Action School News team get high on cough syrup in an attempt to find ideas for their next show. In "Smug Alert!", he takes LSD to cope with his father's newfound smugness from owning a hybrid and living in San Francisco.
  • Framing / Lying to Law Enforcement: In "The Wacky Molestation Adventure", he claims to be molested to get his parents sent to prison. His parents are promptly arrested and, with no apparent trial, are sent directly to prison.
  • Civil Unrest / Rioting: Participant in the South Park Elementary gender war in "Proper Condom Use".
  • False Imprisonment / Trespassing: In "The Entity", he tricks his cousin Kyle Schwartz into boarding a freight plane bound for Antarctica.
  • False Advertising: In "Jared Has Aides", he, along with Stan and Cartman, attempt to create an ad campaign for City Wok in the style of Subway's Jared campaign, claiming that Butters lost weight by eating food there, when in reality they simply performed liposuction surgery on him (see below).
  • Performing Surgery Without a License: In "Jared Has Aides", he, along with Stan and Cartman, perform liposuction surgery on Butters, as part of the fraudulent promotion for City Wok (see above)
  • Terrorism / Burglary / Theft: In "Fun with Veal", he, Stan, Cartman and Butters, disgusted after discovering veal comes from baby calves, rescue several of them and bring them to Stan's house, barricading themselves in Stan's room and refusing to leave. After a long standoff with the authorities, they are eventually captured and arrested, but do succeed in forcing the FDA to change the name of veal to "tortured baby cow meat", causing demand in veal to plummet and saving the calves from their fate.
  • Arson: In "Butt Out", he and the other boys accidentally burned the school to the ground. Also caused a fire in preschool that caused serious life-threatening burns to Miss Claridge.
  • Burglary / Theft: In "The Simpsons Already Did It", he, Stan, Cartman and Tweek, thinking they accidentally killed Ms. Choksondik by putting brine shrimp in her coffee (the news reporting semen, which they misheard as "Sea-Men", was discovered in her stomach), attempt to cover their tracks by breaking into the morgue and stealing the semen sample recovered from her.
  • Breaking and Entering: In "Free Hat", he, Stan, Cartman and Tweek break into Skywalker Ranch in an attempt to steal the original print of Raiders of the Lost Ark, to prevent it from being remastered. However, they are caught in the process.
  • Vandalism: In "Toilet Paper", he and the boys toilet-paper their art teacher's house. Despite the relatively mild nature of this crime, Kyle feels extreme guilty and even suffers nightmares about the (nonexistent) terror he helped inflict upon the teacher and her family.
  • Attempted Murder: In "South Park is Gay!", after being bullied for not conforming to the metrosexual fad, he decides, along with Mr. Garrison and Mr. Slave, to travel to New York City and murder the hosts of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy for popularizing the fad. Their plans are thwarted when Mr. Slave severely injures himself trying to crash through a glass window. Despite this, the hosts do not press charges against them, so the police do not prosecute the three.
  • Illegally Downloading Music: In "Christian Rock Hard", he, Stan and Kenny, trying to find inspiration for their band Moop, download various songs off of the internet illegally. They are swiftly arrested by the FBI and forced to witness the ever-so-slightly-reduced luxury musicians have to endure because of music piracy's minimal-to-negligible effects on their income, after which they are promptly released.
  • Endangerment / Medical Neglect: In "Good Times with Weapons", he and the rest of the boys refuse to take an injured Butters to a hospital, fearing their parents would find out what that they hurt him. Instead, they disguise him as a dog and try to take him at an animal hospital. Butters escapes, is found by a shelter, and nearly put down.




Sheila Broflovski

Gerald Broflovski

Ike Broflovski

Kyle Schwartz


Stan Marsh

Eric Cartman

Kenny McCormick

Butters Stotch

Bebe Stevens

Heidi Turner

Nyonya Ellen

Rebecca Cotswolds

Nichole Daniels

Leslie Meyers

Kyle showed a interest in Leslie while protecting her in "PC Principal Final Justice", before Leslie was revealed to be a robot and killed by PC Principal.


  • Musim 3
    • "Cat Orgy"
  • Musim 4
    • "Pip"
  • Musim 5
    • "Cripple Fight"
  • Musim 10
    • "A Million Little Fibers"
  • Musim 11
    • "More Crap"
  • Musim 13
    • "Pinewood Derby"
  • Musim 15
    • "Broadway Bro Down"
  • Musim 18
    • "Handicar"

Permainan Video



  1. Kyle's birthday is seen on his monitor while playing Farmville in "You Have 0 Friends".
  2. ""South Park" Cartman Gets an Anal Probe (TV episode 1997)".
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Karakter Utama

Kyle Broflovski | Eric Cartman | Stan Marsh | Kenny McCormick