"We Miss You Randy" ou "We Miss You Karen" est une chanson originale présentée dans South Park: The Streaming Wars Part 2.
Cette chanson fait référence au retour de Randy Marsh à sa profession de géologue à la recherche d'une solution à la sécheresse dans le Colorado, en retournant au Bureau de l'USGS et en étudiant un site potentiel pour une usine de dessalement.
Alors que Randy est réticent à revenir à son personnage de Karen afin d'empêcher le plan de Pi-Pi pour son service de streaming, sa famille le convainc du contraire, avec Sharon lui offrant le spécial Thanksgiving. elle avait sauvé. Randy consomme le spécial dans leur grange, la chanson rejouant à mesure que Karen émerge.
There was a boy I used to know
With dreams as big as the fire in his heart
He grew to be a man of such good will
Always so patient, always so smart
He had so much but he threw it away
Somewhere along he got off track
But today he's making the change for good
And now that man is coming back
Oh, we missed you, Randy
Where have you been?
It seems such a long time
Since we've seen our old friend
Everyone needs you, Randy
Where did you go?
It's like you just became a one-note overwrought part of the show
Here I am trying to make it right
Gonna take my life back with my baby tonight
Oh, we missed you, Randy (We missed you, Randy)
Where have you been?
(I've been acting like a fool)
It seems such a long time
Since we've seen you, old friend
We've all been waiting for this day to come
We're all so happy about the things you've done
'Cause you're going back to Randy (I'm going back to Randy)
We missed you, Randy (I missed me, Randy)
It's so good to have you back now
Our dear friend
We missed you Randy
Our dear friend (I'm Randy)
Karen Version
We missed you, Karen
Where have you been?
Chansons des films produits par Paramount+ | |
Happy Birthday to You | I Forgive You | I Got Cred, Bitches | I've Got Some Apples | Love, Faith, and Fear | Mikhelm, Mikhelm | Mutiny on the Sea | Slippery When Wet | Something Cool to Happen to Me | Stir It Up | Summertime Girls | The Star-Spangled Banner | Use Me | WAP | We Are Living in the Future | We Miss You Randy | You Don't Miss Your Water Voir aussi: Liste des chansons | Liste des films produits par Paramount |