- Article détaillé: South Park : L'Annale du destin/Titres
- Article détaillé: South Park : L'Annale du destin/Artifacts
Coonstagram Followers
- Article détaillé: Coonstagram (application)
L'application Coonstagram est disponible lors de la quête du même nom. Les joueurs peuvent tenter de prendre des selfies avec des personnages importants ou mineurs, qui suivront ensuite le New Kid dans Coonstagram. Certains peuvent exiger que certaines conditions soient remplies (par exemple, atteindre un nombre minimum d'adeptes et accomplir une mission pour eux).
Image | Nom | Description | Effets | Conditions |
Antidote | Removes negative Status Effects, grants Regeneration at the start of a target's Turn. | Heals 20 health per turn | Crafted with the correspondent recipe or simply purchase at the store starting from Day 1. | |
Enriched Antidote | Removes negative Status Effects, grants increased Regeneration at start of a target's turn. | Heals 40 health per turn | Crafted with the correspondent recipe. | |
Maximum Antidote | Removes negative Status Effects, grants Attack Up, grants increased Regeneration at start of a target's turn. | Heals 80 health per turn | Crafted with the correspondent recipe. | |
Vampiric Elixir | Targeted team member gains Lifesteal and Attack Up. | Craft it with its corresponding recipe, or obtained after defeating Vampire enemies and looting around Casa Bonita. | ||
Coon Cakes | Restores a minimal amount of Health to a targeted team member. | Purchase at the Coon Store | ||
Burrito | Restores a small amount of Health to a targeted team member. | Purchase from Freeman's Tacos or certain vending machines. | ||
Quesadilla Especial | Restores a moderate amount of Health to a targeted team member. | Crafted with the correspondent recipe, or purchase from certain vending machines. | ||
Taquito Grande | Restores a large amount of Health to a targeted team member. | Crafted with the correspondent recipe, or purchase from certain vending machines. | ||
Taco Supreme | Restores a colossal amount of Health to a targeted team member. | Crafted with the correspondent recipe, or purchase from certain vending machines. | ||
Sopaipilla | Restores a moderate amount of Health to a targeted team member. | Purchase at the sopaipilla stand in the main dining area of Casa Bonita, or obtained after defeating Vampire enemies and looting around Casa Bonita. | ||
Honey Sopaipilla | Heals and slows a targeted team member, boosts Ultimate Meter. | Craft it with its corresponding recipe, or purchase at the sopaipilla stand in the main dining area of Casa Bonita and after defeating Vampire enemies and looting around Casa Bonita. | ||
Revive Serum | Revives and restores nominal Health to a fallen team member. | Revives one fallen ally | Craft it with its corresponding recipe, or purchase it from certain vending machines. | |
Maximum Revive Serum | Revives and restores significant Health to a fallen team member. | Craft it with its corresponding recipe. | ||
Macaroni Picture | Summon Moses to heal all allies. | Craft it with the recipe given by Father Maxi after completing A Touch of Faith mission. | ||
Cheesing Vial | Unleash Cheesing Gerald to inflict AOE damage on enemies. | Can be found all across South Park, obtained after completing For Nippopolis. | ||
Ham Radio | Thin out enemy numbers with a Ned and Jimbo surprise attack. | Given by Jimbo after completing Peppermint Hippo Lost & Found. | ||
Classi's Burner | Dial up CLASSi for a hit 'n' run attack. | Given by Classi after completing The Thin White Line. | ||
Tome of Teleportation | Teleport to a selected square. | Craft it with its corresponding recipe, or obtained after defeating Vampire enemies and looting around Casa Bonita. |
- Article détaillé: South Park : L'Annale du destin/Costumes
Les costumes peuvent être trouvés dans toute la ville ou fabriqués à l'aide de l'application Crafting. Contrairement à South Park: Le Bâton de la Vérité, les costumes n'ont pas d'effet en combat.
- Article détaillé: South Park : L'Annale du destin/Composants
Components are raw materials required to make artifacts, costumes, and mission items through the Crafting app. They can be obtained through battles, achievements, buying from stores, or pickups throughout South Park.
Composants communs
Image | Nom | Description | Conditions |
Food | It takes the right blend of skill, creativity, and flagrant disregard for food safety codes to turn any food into combat supersnacks. Collect Food to craft Healing items, Antidotes and Revives. | ||
Meds | From laxatives to designer drugs like distilled cash, the wares of Big Pharma are yours to plunder and bend to heroic designs. Collect Meds to craft healing items, Antidotes and Revives. | ||
Tech | While Sleeping through science class, a freak intelliLink accident gave you the ability to transform everyday electronics and chemical compounds into astounding crime-fighting devices. Collect Tech to craft Artifacts. | ||
Scrap | To the cunning junksmith, South Park is a gold mine of plastics, downcycled metal and landfill bric-a-brac ready to be reborn into powerful tools against evil. Collect Scrap to craft Artifacts. | ||
Biohazard | First rule of crafting: waste nothing, not even waste itself. Where an Ordinary sees a pile of crap, you see the building blocks of justice. Same goes for piss, jizz, and deadly pathogens. Collect Biohazards to craft Artifacts. |
Composants de base
Image | Nom | Description | Conditions |
Duct Tape | Binds almost anything in the universe together, including Mosquito's mouth when he won't stop talking about blood borne diseases. Duct Tape is a required ingredient for Crafting Artifacts. | ||
Edgar's Glue | Keep away from malnourished preschoolers. Glue is a required ingredient for Crafting Artifacts. | ||
Bolt of Cloth | Redefine your hero brand with nothing but scraps of fabric and a lust for needlework. Bolts of Cloth are required for Costumes. | ||
Macaroni | The staple of convenient vigilante dinners is now an object of the Divine. Use macaroni to craft Macaroni Pictures, used for powerful and ancient rituals. | ||
Sports Bottle | Raise your hydration game to heroic new levels. Sports Bottles are required ingredients for Antidotes and Revives. | ||
Tortilla | The mighty Tortilla isn't just a versatile culinary wrap. It's a vital food stuff to unlock the true potential of your ass. Collect Tortillas to craft healing items and mythical Mexican food. |
- Article détaillé: South Park : L'Annale du destin/Mémo-myrtilles
Des toilettes peuvent être trouvées dans la plupart des résidences et certains bâtiments publics, où le New Kid tente de se vider en jouant à un court mini-jeu de difficultés variables allant de 1 à 4 étoiles, 4 étoiles étant le plus difficile.
Lors de l'interaction avec des toilettes, 2 compteurs apparaîtront à l'écran : un compteur de progression divisé en sections étoilées à gauche (2 à 4 sections selon la difficulté), et un compteur de gaz à droite. Pendant le jeu, des invites de boutons apparaîtront à l'écran et le compteur de gaz commencera à diminuer. Le joueur doit suivre ces instructions aussi vite que possible, avant que le compteur de gaz ne soit épuisé. Après chaque section, le joueur aura la possibilité de faire le plein (remplir son compteur de gaz) à l'aide d'un autre ensemble de boutons. Ce cycle se répétera jusqu'à ce que le joueur atteigne la maîtrise de ces toilettes en remplissant complètement le compteur de progression, ou lorsque le compteur de gaz est vidé.
Toilet name | Lieu | Difficulté |
Big Gay Al's Big Gay Bidet | Résidence Al Super Gay | 3 |
Cartman's Throne | Résidence Cartman | 3 |
Freeman's Toilet | Freeman's Tacos | 4 |
Gentlemen's Toilet | Peppermint Hippo | 3 |
Men's Toilet | Park County Community Center | 3 |
Policeman's Toilet | Park County Police Station | 2 |
Policewoman's Toilet | Park County Police Station | 4 |
Port-A-Potty | Outside South Park Mall | 4 |
Stoley's Captain Seat | Résidence Stoley | 4 |
The Biggles' Toilet | Résidence Biggle | 3 |
The Broflovski's Toilet | Résidence Broflovski | 2 |
The Daniels' Toilet | Résidence Daniels | 3 |
The Donovan's Toilet | Résidence Donovan | 2 |
The Marsh's Toilet | Résidence Marsh | 2 |
The Stevens' Toilet | Résidence Stevens | 3 |
The Stotch's Toilet | Résidence Stotch | 2 |
The Tucker's Toilet | Résidence Tucker | 2 |
The Valmer's Toilet | Résidence Valmer | 4 |
Women's Toilet | Park County Community Center | 4 |
Yolanda's Toilet | Park County Police Station | 3 |
Your Toilet | Résidence du Nouveau | 1 |
Yaoi Art Pieces
- Article détaillé: Liste des Creek Yaoi Art
Des œuvres d'art de Craig Tucker et de Tweek Tweak peuvent être trouvées dans toute la ville, dans le cadre de la mission secondaire Scavenger Hunt: The Yaoi Project.