Wiki South Park

Il s'agit d'une liste de tous les emplacements dans "le Bâton de Vérité" pouvant être vus pendant le jeu.


South Park The Stick of Truth full map

Lieux principaux

Image Nom Description
The Kingdom of Kupa Keep SOT
The Kingdom of Kupa Keep Here, the New Kid meets The Grand Wizard King, Princess Kenny, Warrior Clyde, Paladin Butters, and Scott Malkinson. This is the place that the Stick of Truth is first stolen and where the player first learns magic.
The Elven Kingdom
The Elven Kingdom This is where the New Kid goes during the quest Gain New Allies if he sides with the Drow Elves. This is also the place where the Humans and Elves join forces to take down Clyde when he spirals out of control.
Jimbo's Guns Exterior
Jimbo's Guns
Jimbo's Guns The player can find Jimbo and Ned here, who give the player the quest Big Game Huntin' With Jimbo after their handbook is purchased. After this is completed, Jimbo and Ned will send the player a friend request on Facebook.
Skeeter's Bar Exterior
Skeeter's Bar
Skeeter's Bar Skeeter will give the player the quest Rats in the Cellar, which unlocks the bar's basement. After that is completed, the bartender and Skeeter will send the player friend requests on Facebook.
Farm (SOT)
Farm The player can come here to complete the quests: Big Game Huntin' With Jimbo, ManBearPig, and Magical Songs.
Farm Barn SOT (1)
Farm Barn SOT (2)
Barn Located at the farm. The player completes Magical Songs at this location.
Forest SOT (1)
Forest SOT (2)
Forest SOT (4)
Forest SOT (3)
Forest SOT (5)
Lost Forest The Woodland Critters can be found here. If the player spends too long in the forest, their parents will come after them and forcibly take them home.
Tower of Peace Exterior
Tower of Peace
Tower of Peace The quest Mongolian Beef can be completed here. After the New Kid has talked to Mr. Kim again, he will receive Mr. Kim's summon. A Fast Travel flag can also be found here.
City Wok Exterior
City Wok
City Wok The quest Mongolian Beef is given here.
Church Exterior
Church inside SOT
South Park Church The player has to run back and forth between here and Father Maxi to complete the quest Find Jesus. Vulcan Around and The Timmy Express are also able to be completed by coming here.
Stark's Pond SOT
Stark's Pond The quests ManBearPig and Hide 'n' Seek can be completed here. The final cutscenes of the game (before the credits) happen at this location.
Goth Kids (SOT)
South Park Elementary (SOT)
South Park Elementary The main quest Attack the School is completed here and so is the side quest The Timmy Express.
Community Center Exterior SOT
Community Center SOT
Park County Community Center PTA Problems and Wasted Cache can be completed here.
Park County Police Station Exterior
Park County Police Station
South Park Police Station Harrison Yates gives the player the quest Nazi Zombie Bounty when talked to.
City Sushi SOT
City Sushi The building is in shambles.
City Hall Exterior SOT
City Hall SOT
City Hall Father Maxi is found here and gives the New Kid the quest Find Jesus. When the player goes inside City Hall, Mayor McDaniels gives them the quest The Homeless Problem.
News Office Exterior SOT
News Office The key to it is located in a PO box at the Post Office.
Post Office Exterior
Post Office SOT
Post Office The package for the quest Mr. Slave's Package is found here. A Fast Travel flag is directly in front of it.
Tom's Rhinoplasty Exterior
Tom's Rhinoplasty Can change the player's face to a photo of David Hasselhoff. Sharon Marsh's Facebook friend request can also be obtained here after the player buys something from her.
Tom's Rhinoplasty Exterior
Main Street Business Services Located to the left of Tom's Rhinoplasty, where they key to it resides.
Bank Exterior SOT
Bank SOT
Bank of South Park If the player chooses to invest $20, the bank teller will repeat the message that he does to Stan in Margaritaville. A kid from the quest Hide 'n' Seek can also be found here.
Unplanned Parenthood Exterior
Unplanned Parenthood The quest Unplanned Parenthood is started and ended here.
Photo Dojo Exterior
Photo Dojo The New Kid fights a pedophile here during the quest Heading North. After the New Kid wins, he gets his passport photo taken.
South Park Mall (end of SOT)
South Park Mall Where a mysterious "Taco Bell" was being built. After the quest Betrayal From Within is completed, the Mall goes back to normal. The player is never able to enter it.
Bijou Theater Exterior SOT
Bijou Theater SOT
Bijou Theatre Damien can be found inside. Whenever the player passes the theater, the box office clerk makes a comment about how they can't see the new Asses of Fire movie because they're too immature.
Tweek Bros Exterior SOT
Tweek Bros Staff Room SOT
Tweek Bros SOT
Tweek Bros. Call the Banners and Hot Coffee happen here.
U-Stor-It (SOT) 2
U-Stor-It Inside (SOT)
U-Stor-It SOT
U-Stor-It (SOT)
U-STOR-IT Wasted Cache, ManBearPig, and The Timmy Express are completed here.
Al Gore's Storage Unit Secret Room
Al Gore's Storage Unit
Al Gore's Storage Locker This is Al Gore's main headquarters and the place the player goes once they complete the ManBearPig quest.
Mr. Mackey's Storage Locker Wasted Cache is completed here.
Chaos Lair (SOT) 1
Chaos Lair (SOT) 2
The Chaos Lair A key from Butters' room unlocks the storage unit, which appears to be pitch black. After some moving around, the lights turn on and General Disarray is seen inside. When the New Kid talks to him, he receives Disarray's friend request. The player cannot leave without friending General Disarray.
Park (1) SOT
Park (2) SOT
Kid's Park (Basketball Court) Hide 'n' Seek and Pose as Bebe's Boyfriend are completed here. This is also one of the 12 Fast Travel flag locations.
Sewers SOT (2)
Sewers SOT (1)
Sewers Big Game Huntin' With Jimbo, The Homeless Problem, and Dropping the Kids Off are completed here.
Crab People Cave SOT
Entrance to Crab People Cave
Crab People Cave The Crab Carapace, Helmet, and Pincers can be found in a chest behind a Crab Person. This specific Crab Person also friends the New Kid on Facebook. This location is first accessible through the sewers.
Pleases and Sparkles Club SOT (1)
Pleases and Sparkles Club SOT (2)
Pleases and Sparkles Club The New Kid is taken here during the quests: Unplanned Parenthood, Pose as Bebe's Boyfriend, and Forging Alliances. The Club can be found through the Girl's bathroom at the Park.

Lieux des quêtes

Ces emplacements ne sont accessibles que lors de quêtes spécifiques ou changent à une partie spécifique du jeu.

Image Nom Description
The Inn of the Giggling Donkey Located inside Jimmy's house and where the quest The Bard takes place.
Alienspaceship(SOT 2)
Alien Spaceship The New Kid uses his new Anal Probe to help himself and Randy Marsh escape. The player is taken here during the first night and is not able to go back afterward.
Government Base (Inside the new "Taco Bell") Able to be entered during the quest PTA Problems.
SpeSOT (1)
South Park Elementary (during and after the quest Attack the School) The New Kid is first able to come here (when it is in this state) on his second night. Most of these photos can be slightly different depending on the route the player takes to get to this point. For example, the first image could have Cartman and the humans in it instead of Kyle and the elves.
Walls of the New Kid's House Defeat the Underpants Gnomes is completed in this area. This place is also where the New Kid gains the ability to use Gnome Dust to shrink.
Unplanned Parenthood (behind the "Patients Only" door during the Nazi Zombie Fetuses invasion) The player comes here during the quest Unplanned Parenthood and defeats a giant fetus to complete it.
Clyde's Fortress (Clyde's House) Accessible during the quests Beat Up Clyde and Betrayal From Within. Clyde's house is unopenable after the game is completed.
Mr. Slave's Ass The New Kid defeats the Sparrow Prince and diffuses the Snuke (a refrence to the season 11 episode "The Snuke") here. The player only has access to this location during the quest Beat Up Clyde.


Toutes les maisons accessibles dans South Park.

Image Nom Description
Kevin Stoley's House SOT
Kevin Stoley's House Vulcan Around is started here. This is one of the 12 Fast Travel flag locations.
Craig's House SOT
Craig's House Located between Clyde Donovan and Kevin Stoley's houses. It is beige in color and can never be entered.
Jimmy's House-Giggling Donkey SOT
Jimmy's House/The Giggling Donkey It is blue and located to the left of the player's house. The second image shows the house after the quest The Bard until the end of the game. Once the player completes the game, the house becomes locked and the door is fixed.
Kenny's House SOT
Kenny's House Hot Coffee is completed here. It is located to the right of a railroad and a Fast Travel flag can be found in between the house and the garage.
Kyle's House SOT
Kyle's House Grey-green in color and located to the right of Stan's house. This is the Drow Elves' headquarters and where one of the 12 Fast Travel flags reside.
Cartman's House SOT
Cartman's House One of the Fast Travel flags is in his backyard where the castle of Kupa Keep is. This is usually the first or second Fast Travel flag the player unlocks.
Stan's House SOT
Stan's House Located in between Cartman and Kyle's houses, his house is dark green in color and where The She-Ogre battle begins.
Butter's House SOT
Butters' House The key to the Chaos Lair can be found in Butters' room. The house is located to the left of Cartman's.
Tolkien's House Exterior
Tolkien's House
Tolkien's House Found to the right of the South Park Mall and where Gate Crasher and Call the Banners take place. A Fast Travel flag can also be found here.
Mr. Slave's House To the right of the Kid's Park. When the New Kid talks to Mr. Slave, he receives the quest Mr. Slave's Package.
New Kid's House SOT
The New Kid's House (Your House) This is where the player starts the game. A Fast Travel flag is located to the left of the house.


Carte complète

Stick of Truth Map of Canada


Image Nom Description
Banff, Canada (2)
Banff, Canada SOT (1)
Banff This is where the player fights the Bishop of Banff. Once he is defeated, the player is given the choice to either kill or spare him.
Terrance and Phillip's house SOT
Vancouver, Canada SOT (2)
Vancouver, Canada SOT (1)
Vancouver The location of the residence of Terrance and Phillip.
Winnipeg SOT (1)
Winnipeg SOT (2)
Winnipeg The Earl gives the player a quest to defeat the dire bears that are attacking his citizens.
Ottawa, Canada (SOT) 2
Ottawa, Canada (SOT) 1
Ottawa, Canada (SOT) 3
Ottawa Where the Prince and Princess of Canada live and where the quest O Canada starts.
Catacombs of Quebec
Catacombs of Quebec Here, the New Kid frees the Minister of Montreal and he translates the Girls' letter. This ends the quest O Canada.