Wiki South Park

"Need a Shot" est une chanson interprétée par un groupe de citadins dans l'épisode de la vingt-quatrième saison, "Spécial Vaccination".


Lorsque les Kommunity Kidz volent les vaccins à Walgreens et les amènent à la Maison de Cartman, ils trouvent un grand groupe de personnes en bas, les suppliant pour leur donner les vaccins.


Man with burgundy coat (singing):
This is my moment
This is my tiiiiimmmmeeee...


[The boys walk to the window to see the crowd downstairs]

Man with burgundy coat (singing):
I've got a dream to fulfill
And all I need is a shot!
Please just gimme a shot!

Man with green coat (talking):
Listen, Kommunity Kidz!
All I want is a shot!
A-and you can give me that shot!
That one shot, that's all I need!

Female Singer (talking):
All I want is a shot, too!
If I had a shot, I would make the most of it!

Crowd (shouting):
Gimme a shot! Please I need a shot!

Guitar Singer (singing):
If I just had a shot
I would make it the best shot

Chansons de la vingt-quatrième saison
Coming to L.A. | Down by the Lazy River | I Love You, Social Distancing | Kickstart My Heart | Need a Shot

Voir aussi: Liste des chansons | Liste des personnages mineurs de la vingt-quatrième saison | Saison 24
