"Feel Like Makin' Love" est une chanson chantée par Ned Gerblanski sur Chef Aid: The South Park Album. Une grande partie de l'humour de la chanson provient des paroles émotionnelles et sensuelles prononcées par la voix robotique monotone et rauque de Ned.
Baby, when I think about you..
I think about love.
Darling, can't live without you..
and your lo-mrrrrrh.
If I had those golden dreams
of my yesterday..
I would wrap you in the Heavens
And feel it mrrh, mrrh, mrrh, mrrh
[Feel like makin']
Feel like makin' love..
Feel like makin' love..
Feel like makin' love..
Feel like makin' love to you.
Baby, If I think about you..
I think about Love!
Darling, If I live without you..
I live without Love! [mrrh]
And if I had the sun and the moon..
mrrh! mgrggh! mrrrh!
I would give you both night and day
Love satisfying.. Feel Like, mrh, makin..
Feel Like Making LOVE!
Feel Like Making, mrgh, love.. Feel Like Making LOVE!
Feel Like Making, mggh, mrrgh..
Feel Like Making LOVE!
Feel Like.. making love..
Feel Like Making LOVE!
Feel Like Making Love to yooou!