Wiki South Park

"Dance Hall Boys" est un single du groupe anglais, Wang Chung, présenté dans l'épisode de la saison 25, "Back to the Cold War". Il a été initialement publié en 1982 et réédité plus tard en 1984 pour l'album Points on the Curve.


Mr. Mackey parvient à évacuer tous les élèves de l'École élémentaire de South Park vers le gymnase de l'école. Une fois après qu'il les ait tous fait pratiquer l'exercice nucléaire en vingt-deux secondes, il fait attendre les étudiants que l'exercice soit terminé pendant qu'il danse et une ouverture à l'épisode apparaît.


Take your baby by the hand,
And make her do a high handstand
And take your baby by the heel,
And do the next thing that you feel

We were so in phase
In our dance hall days,
We were cool on craze
When I, you, and everyone we knew
Could believe, do, and share in what was true

I said,
Dance hall days, love

Take your baby by the hair,
And pull her close, and there, there, there
And take your baby by the ears,
And play upon her darkest fears

We were so in phase
In our dance hall days,
We were cool on craze
When I, you, and everyone we knew
Could believe, do, and share in what was true

I said,
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love

Take your baby by the wrist,
And in her mouth an amethyst,
And in her eyes two sapphires blue,
And you need her, and she needs you,
And you need her, and she needs you,
And you need her, and she needs you,
And you need her, and she needs you,
And you need her, and she needs you,

We were so in phase
In our dance hall days,
We were cool on craze
When I, you, and everyone we knew
Could believe, do, and share in what was true

I said,
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love
Dance hall days
Dance hall days, love

Chansons de la vingt-cinquième saison
Black Puppy, White Puppy | Canada on Strike | Dance Hall Days | Games Without Frontiers | I've Got Some Apples | Lederhosn Lust | My Name Is Ruin | Pajama Time! | Russian National Anthem | Russians | Two Tribes | Whenever You Are Ready

Voir aussi: Liste des chansons | Liste des personnages mineurs de la vingt-cinquième saison | Saison 25
