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"A Place To Fall Apart" est une chanson apparue dans l'épisode de la vingt-deuxième saison, "Un garçon et un prêtre".


La chanson est entendue alors qu'un Randy Marsh et Stuart McCormick déprimés s'assoient et boivent au Skeeter's Wine Bar, contemplant le sens de la vie. Ensuite, un autre citadin court près du bar pour annoncer que l'église est à nouveau ouverte, obligeant Randy et Stuart à changer d'humeur et à courir dehors avec tout le monde.


I'll probably never see you eye to eye again
This letter's meant to be my last farewell
But you need to understand I'm nearly crazy
You need to know my life has gone to hell

Write me back and tell me why it ended
Send a letter that i can show my heart
I'll be somewhere between I love you and what you're feeling now
Looking for a place to fall apart

Looking for a place to fall apart
Trying to find a place that I can leave my heart
I need to be somewhere hiding when I feel the teardrops start
Looking for a place to fall apart

I can't seem to justify your leaving me
I'm bewildered as to how it all came down
I thought everything was fine until your phone call
The call that turned my world around

Send me word and tell me why it ended
I need some final proof to show my heart
I'll be somewhere between I love you and what you're feeling now
Looking for a place to fall apart

Looking for a place to fall apart
Trying to find a place that I can leave my heart
I need to be somewhere hiding when I feel the teardrops start
Looking for a place to fall apart

Chansons de la vingt-deuxième saison
A Place To Fall Apart | A Drink Before Going Home | Bike Parade | Deck the Halls | Faith In Christ | Flash Light | Happy Birthday to You | It's a Love Thing | More Bounce to the Ounce | No Easy Way Out | On a Colorado Farm | PC Babies | Santa Claus is On His Way | Silent Night | Sixteen Tons | Sweet Love | Today | Two Princes | Unfulfilled | Wee Cooper O'Fife | (Where Do I Begin?) Love Story

Voir aussi: Liste des chansons | Liste des personnages mineurs de la vingt-deuxième saison | Saison 22
